Qianhai Lake 前海


(English after)

Una tarde en una de mis tantas visitas a los Hutongs decidí llegar por Shichahai 什刹海, un parque de lagos al noroeste de la Ciudad Prohibida, a pesar de la temporada el clima estaba agradable y perfecto para caminar.

Shichahai es un complejo gigante, ocupa una gran parte del centro de Beijing, en el hay varios templos budistas y taoísta, así como algunas antiguas mansiones reales.

Yo tomé el camino norte por el Lago Qianhai 前海, que me llevó directo a la Torre de la Campana y de ahí a Nanluoguxiang.


One afternoon in one of my many visits to the Hutongs I decided get by Shichahai 什刹海, a park of lakes at the northwest of the Forbidden City, despite the season the weather was nice and perfect for walking.

Shichahai is a giant complex, occupies a large of the center of Beijing, in it are several Buddhist and Taoist temples, and some ancient royal mansions.

I took the north road for the Qianhai Lake 前海, which led me directly to the Bell Tower and from there to Nanluoguxiang.

Qianhai Lake 前海 in Shichahai 什刹海, Beijing, China
Qianhai Lake 前海 in Shichahai 什刹海, Beijing, China
Qianhai Lake 前海 in Shichahai 什刹海, Beijing, China
Qianhai Lake 前海 in Shichahai 什刹海, Beijing, China

Qianhai Lake 前海 in Shichahai 什刹海, Beijing, China
Qianhai Lake 前海 in Shichahai 什刹海, Beijing, China
Qianhai Lake 前海 in Shichahai 什刹海, Beijing, China

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