Now it was Gatina's turn to climb the moringa tree, she is much more skilled than Blanquito at the time of going down.
My Week in Pictures – Tarde de Jardineria
Another afternoon in the garden, nothing more.
Another Week in The Garden
I'm here I try to enjoy as much as possible the large garden of the house of my parents, the contact with the lawn, sure I'll miss it when I leave again.
Súper Luna
This is my photo of the supermoon of October 2016, the best thing I could do with my camera and lens, at night and at dawn.
Blanquito en La Moringa
This time the Blanquito has risen To the moringa tree next to my garden and has been distracted for a long time trying to get off again.
My Week in Pictures – Más Gatos
Cats are still the center of attention of the house, a little extra joy in our lives.
My Week in Pictures – Mariposa
Another Sunday afternoon in the garden of my parents' house, I am always fascinated by the life that exists at the smallest level.
Nueva Siembra de Frijoles Cuarentones
My inexperience made me think that already harvesting the beans the process was finished, but it turns out that storing the seeds also has its complications
My Week in Pictures – In The Garden
The garden is one of the things that keeps me without getting bored too much here in my parents' house, I love the green against white.
El Progreso de las Tapiramas
The Tapiramas continue to grow and finally begin to show the first flowers and some seed pods, I can not wait to harvest.
My Instagram – Julio/July 2016
July was another quiet month, spent a lot of time in the house and in the garden, also resume the project of the "Casitas de Guanare".
La Cosecha de Los Frijoles Cuarentones
A cycle had closed, mission accomplished, I had planted and harvested my first plant in my life.
My Week in Pictures – Sunday Afternoon
This past Sunday was a perfect day to spend it in the garden, exploring the small details of the life of my cats, the caterpillars and the butterflies.
Sleepy White Cat VSCO Curated Search Result
Again, another of my photos of the new white cat of my parents has been curated to VSCO Select.
White Cat VSCO Curated Search Result
Another of my photos has been curated to VSCO Selects, this time a photo of new cat of my parents, a beautiful white cat, a little boy.
Las Tapiramas y la Lucha Contra las Plagas
Mientras van creciendo las plantas han llamado la atención de diferentes insectos, como soy nuevo en esto he tenido que probar diferentes métodos naturales y voy descubriendo lo complejo de tener cosechas.
My Week in Pictures – Green
With the arrival of the rainy season in Venezuela everything turns green, it's a beautiful time, and here the in Guanare the overwhelming heat is mixed with moisture, ohh the tropic.
El Progreso de las Tapiramas
Ya ha pasado un mes desde que sembré las semillas de Tapirama y estoy fascinado como todos los días le encuentro más detalles, como van creciendo tan rápido.
Sembrando las Tapiramas
Preparar el terreno en el jardín fue el primer trabajo fuerte que he hecho en mi vida con mis manos, pero a pesar de esto quería hacer Yo mismo el trabajo.
Empezando la siembra de Tapiramas
Decidí crear un pequeño huerto en la parte de atrás del jardín de la casa empezando una leguminosa silvestre originaria de Venezuela y en peligro de extinción