Arts and Illustrations

Tejidos Ensamble Audiovisual – Mutek MX 2023
Tejidos is an audiovisual proposal that merges the talent and creativity of artists Camil Camil , Rafael Durand, and P3P510 in this unique collaboration, we explore the intersection between creative communication and art, weaving a map of sensory experiences that intertwine to create an immersive spectacle.

Chrysina Unpredictable
Chrysina Unpredictable is a collection created by the artists P3P510 and Remedios, where two languages, the material and the digital, come together around a common vision.

Patricia Wolf – Springtime in Croatia
I used an algorithm to create a unique visual experience for the music video of “Springtime in Croatia.” Starting with lines and dots, I created a neural network-like structure that reacted with sound, resulting in a mesmerizing display. The final result captures the song’s feeling perfectly, and I’m thrilled with how it turned out.

Generative Algorithm – Chrome & Gold Versions
The next step after the Generative Algorithm was to continue using the generated forces to make more, and more of course are particles, their flow around the main structure gives the pieces more dynamism, it helps to better show the temporal sense in the space where exist and the invisible forces that create this universe.

FAX – Telegraphic Memory
Art and animations for the cover of FAX’s Teleraphics Memory Album, Facade Electronic Label, 2021.

Generative Algorithm
I came up with this algorithm in Houdini that generates curved shapes from small simulations around the normal axes of abstract geometries that opened the door for everything that has happened since then in my practice as a digital artist.

Dance Noise Curve
Another experiment in generative art in VEX and Houdini, this time guiding the movement of the curves according to the sound.

Swirling Trail
Generative art experiment with particles and trails on Houdini, moving the particles over a VEX code generated geometry surface, leaving a trail of their movement.

Spheres NFT
NFT – Concept art for the online interactive project Spheres of Privilege, creative coding and motion graphics

Spheres of Privilege
Graphic design for the art project Spheres of Privilege, a combination of coding, generative art and motion design.

Advections NFTs
I rescued this project that was hidden and forgotten on the blockchain, and start this promotion for sale, hoping that they continue to give me satisfaction in this exciting new phase that I’m just starting as a digital creator.

My new GIF Featuring Your Post on Ello’s Homepage
Again one of my posts is featured on the Ello homepage.

My Work featured in Adobe Creativity for All
My work was featured in the Adobe campaign Creativity for all, presented in the Adobe Max event in Los Angeles, California

Volumes Posters
As usual after some animation project (at least the personal ones) I always like to design posters based on different scenes, and with VOLUMES it was not going to be different

Volumes refers to the use of Volumetrics (simulations of smoke, clouds and fire) to produce forces and geometric shapes that can generate an entire animation.

Monica Carrero Ink
El trabajo de Mónica son unas muy bonitas ilustraciones en negro, tatuadas con una sencillez y increíble cuidado en los detalles, como todo lo que hace, Mónica podría ser la persona con quien me hiciera mi primer tatuaje.

Houdini Advect by Volumes
Exercises of “Advect by Volumes” in Houdini, an easy way to uses velocity volumes to move particles, these are some of the results, render with Arnold Renderer.

Aguas Dulces
Mi muy buena amiga Adriana Berroterán estuvo este verano 2012 (verano austral) grabando un corto documental en la costa atlántica de Uruguay, un documental sobre un grupo de artistas que emprenden un viaje a este pequeño pueblo Aguas Dulces. La idea inicial fue formar parte de una residencia artística en la cual se jugara con la convivencia y la creación…

Venado Animación
Venado Animación Español (English after) Pensábamos que habíamos dejado atrás el Venado pero surgió otro evento que hizo que retomara las gráficas e hiciera una animación, un poco experimental, el resultado no fue muy bueno, pero acá presento lo mejor de eso con algunos cambios. English We thought we had left the Venado (deer) behind, but there was another event that made me…

This is a very personal work I did a few weeks ago, so personal that I did not think to publish it, but I think it’s worth show, hopefully with the permission of the owner.

Dragon Artwork
This is the model and some stills of what will be an upcoming animation, which I’m working, I wrote here a little more about the process: Dragon.

龍年 Year of the Dragon
龍年 Year of the Dragon Español (English after) Yo nací en el año 1.976, soy un dragón de fuego, y este año 2.012 es nuevamente año del dragón, es mi año otra vez, no ha resultado ser de la manera que esperaba, pero si que está siendo mi año.Desde el año nuevo en febrero he estado con la idea de hacer un dragón para celebrarlo,…

Peces de Colores
Peces de ColoresNew set of illustrations, posters for sale New set of illustrations, posters for sale, more information later. more of this content on my social networks Behance Facebook Flickr Instagram Share

La bella durmiente y sus peces de colores
La bella durmiente y sus peces de coloresIllustrations I did for a short story by Maya Garcia These are some graphics/illustrations I did for a short story who wrote Maya García, a beautiful (and a little sad) story. more of this content on my social networks Behance Facebook Flickr Instagram Share

Toro This is another version of my previous work Timotes, now a Toro (bull). more of this content on my social networks Behance Facebook Instagram Share

Timotes Español (English after) Timotes es un pequeño y muy bonito pueblo en las montañas de Los Andes venezolanos, su nombre proviene de los Timotes y Cuicas, las tribus originarias que habitaron la zona en la época pre conquista española, y es el punto de origen e inspiración para estas nuevas piezas que hice para…

Zipper Artwork
Zipper Artworkillustration I did for the venezuelan magazine of art and design Zipper Español (English after) Esta es una ilustración que hice para la revista venezolana de arte y diseño Zipper, un trabajo por el que me siento muy satisfecho, retomando mi robot favorito y definiendo mucho mejor una estetica en la que vengo trabajando…

Old Stuff
En estos días estoy haciendo dos animaciones para mi portafolio personal, las mas complejas que he hecho hasta ahora; estoy participando en un proyecto de animación con gente muy talentosa; estoy haciendo un web site para una especie de Tiffany local y pronto empiezo a ayudar a Alexis en ciertas cosas relacionadas Fistful Apparel; con…

Efímeros: sesiones de cocina creativa
Mis amigas de Producción Aleatoria en Barcelona, España, me invitaron a diseñar el poster y flyer de la nueva edición de Efímeros. Producción Aleatoria y Galería de arte Corretger5 os invita este Viernes 29 de Octubre a la 3º edición de Efímeros: sesiones de cocina creativa. Efímeros es proyecto gastronómico no convencional de fusión entre…

P3P510 Bumper
This is an animation I made to place at the beginning of each one of my videos, a presentation of my logo, trying to imitate those used by movie studios. P3P510 Bumper Vimeo P3P510 Bumper stills set P3P510 Bumper in my portfolio P3P510 Bumper in Behance

This is an artwork I did for a very special friend, began as something little and ended up being something much bigger, I think is one more step in the developing my own style, were more than three months to work on the aesthetic I wanted to obtain and we are satisfied with the results….

This is my new designs collection, the key element is based on the robot of Mekano Turbo, character design by Alexis Ziritt. The series will release in poster format 45cm x 60cm and 30cm x 43cm. and any other format that is happening in the course of events. soon at hand. Behance Network Gallery Flickr Set…

Medusas, unfinished work
Almost 2 years ago I was commissioned to do an artwork for a magazine (who which I do not remember), but the project had many problems and never concluded. Although no longer to my liking and is only the beginning, I found that something of that effort should see the light. And I’m retaking the…
Kumo-Z Rayos Fotonicos
My friend and partner in Zircons, my comrade of many adventures Gustavo Rugeles, has just published its site, Kumo-Z, that I helped to develop. So far, Kumo-z is a space to show some of Gustavo R. Rugeles G.´s formal works for clients and experimental projects. He is a visual artist proficient in drawing, with knowledge…